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In Whistling in the Dark, Lucienne S. Bloch shares her beautifully written personal essays exploring her world on the Upper West Side of New York City.

Growing up in the 1950s as the daughter of refugees from Hitler’s Europe who longed for their former lives and culture, these essays explore such topics as her youth, her mother’s Viennese upbringing, her father’s work in the diamond business and long battle with Alzheimer’s, the evolution of a typewriter, the landscapes of New York, Bloch’s ongoing sense of alienation, and her development as a writer.


Readers will be swept up in the graceful prose that distinguishes Lucienne S. Bloch’s award-winning work. The universal themes of memory, belonging, family, identity, survival, and aging are artfully woven throughout the essays in Whistling in the Dark and will resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds.

Publicity Contact: Jennifer Musico


Please watch this Mother's Day special: a thoughtful and engaging interview of Ms. Bloch by Lauren Solomon from Good Day Orange County.

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